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Tiled Plugin (v0.28.x and older)

This extension adds support for tile maps from all Tiled map editor files in Excalibur. Use the TiledMapResource to load and interact with Tiled based maps!


  • Parse default Tiled tmx files
    • Supports all Tiled compressions zlib, gzip, and zstd
  • Parse Tiled exported json files
  • Supports external tilesets .tsx and json
  • New TypeScript based object model for working with Tiled data
    • Query for layers by property
    • Query for objects by property
    • Easy helpers to locate Polygons, PolyLines, and Text
  • Automatic Excalibur wiring for certain Tiled properties and objects:
    • Camera
    • Colliders
    • Solid TileMap Layers
    • Tiled Text
    • Inserted Tiled Tiles


Install using npm:

> npm install @excaliburjs/plugin-tiled
> npm install @excaliburjs/plugin-tiled

ES2015 (TS/JS)

The ES2015 import syntax is the recommended way to use Excalibur with Excalibur Tiled and is supported through a module loader like webpack or Parcel with TypeScript or Babel:

import * as ex from 'excalibur'
import { TiledMapResource } from '@excaliburjs/plugin-tiled'
// Create tiled map resource, pointing to static asset path
const tiledMap = new TiledMapResource('/assets/map.tmx')
// Create a loader and reference the map
const loader = new ex.Loader([tiledMap])
// Start the game (starts the loader)
game.start(loader).then(function () {
console.log('Game loaded')
import * as ex from 'excalibur'
import { TiledMapResource } from '@excaliburjs/plugin-tiled'
// Create tiled map resource, pointing to static asset path
const tiledMap = new TiledMapResource('/assets/map.tmx')
// Create a loader and reference the map
const loader = new ex.Loader([tiledMap])
// Start the game (starts the loader)
game.start(loader).then(function () {
console.log('Game loaded')

Excalibur Wiring

You may opt-in to the Excalibur wiring by calling addTiledMapToScene(someScene)

// After loading tiledMapResource
// After loading tiledMapResource
  • Only object layers with "excalibur"=true are parsed for objects. These object layers can be retrieved with

    const objects: TiledObjectGroup[] = tiledMapResource.getExcaliburObjects()
    const objects: TiledObjectGroup[] = tiledMapResource.getExcaliburObjects()

    object layer property menu in Tiled

  • Camera Position & Zoom - You may set the starting camera position and zoom

    Tiled Position Object as Camera

    • In an object layer with a custom property "excalibur"=true
    • Note Only the first Camera in the first "excalibur"=true layer will be used
    • Create a Tiled "Point" with the Tiled Type "Camera"
    • Optionally, to set zoom other than the default of 1.0, create a custom property named "Zoom" with a numeric value
  • Solid layers - You can mark a particular layers tiles as solid in Tiled

    Tiled Layer Marked Solid

    • In the Tiled layer properties, add a custom property named "Solid" with a boolean value true
    • The presence of a tile in this layer indicates that space is solid, the absence of a tile means it is not solid
  • Colliders - You may position Excalibur colliders within Tiled Tiled Object as BoxCollider

    • In an object layer with a custom property "excalibur"=true
    • Create a "Circle" (ellipses are not supported) or "Rectangle"
      • Set the Tiled type to "BoxCollider" or "CircleCollider"
      • Optionally, to set an Excalibur collision type specify a custom property named "CollisionType" with the value
        • "Fixed" (default for colliders) - non-movable object
        • "Passive" - triggers events, does not participate in collision
        • "Active" - participates in collision and can be pushed around
        • "PreventCollision" - all collisions are ignored
  • Text - You may insert excalibur labels within Tiled Tiled Text

    • In an object layer with a custom property "excalibur"=true
    • Create a Tiled Text object
    • Optionally, you can set the "ZIndex" as a float custom tiled property
    • ⚠ A word of caution around fonts ⚠ - fonts are different on every operating system (some may not be available to your user unless you explicitly load them into the page with a font loader). See here for some detail
  • Inserted Tile Objects - You may insert tiles on or off grid in Tiled with inserted tiles Tiled inserted tiles

    • In an object layer with a custom property "excalibur"=true
    • Create a Tiled inserted Tile
    • Optionally, you can set the "ZIndex" as a float custom tiled property
    • Optionally, to set an Excalibur collision type specify a custom property named "CollisionType" with the value
      • "Fixed" non-movable object
      • "Passive" (default for inserted tiles) - triggers events, does not participate in collision
      • "Active" - participates in collision and can be pushed around
      • "PreventCollision" - all collisions are ignored

Not Yet Supported Out of the Box

  • Currently Isometric and Hexagonal maps are not directly supported by Excalibur TileMaps, however the data is still parsed by this plugin and can be used manually by accessing the RawTiledMap in after loading.

  • Excalibur Text is limited at the moment and doesn't support Tiled word wrapping or Tiled text alignment other than the default "Left" horizontal, "Top" vertical alignments.

  • Layer offsets are yet not supported.

  • Layer tinting is not yet supported

  • Parallax factor is not yet supported.

  • Image Layers - Tiled image layers are not yet fully supported, but do show up in the RawTiledMap so can be used that way. Using inserted Tile Objects is a way to achieve the same effect in a fully supported way.

  • Group Layers - Tiled group layers are not yet supported at all, currently layers in a group do not load. Maps with group layers will load all other layers fine.

  • Infinite maps - Tiled infinite maps are not yet supported, but do show up in the RawTiledMap.

  • RawTiledMap fully types the Tiled 1.4.3 api, this can be used to write custom code for anything this plugin doesn't yet support.

import * as ex from 'excalibur'
import { TiledMapResource } from '@excaliburjs/plugin-tiled'
// Create tiled map resource, pointing to static asset path
const tiledMap = new TiledMapResource('/assets/map.tmx')
// Create a loader and reference the map
const loader = new ex.Loader([tiledMap])
game.start(loader).then(function () {
// Access raw data
const rawMap =
import * as ex from 'excalibur'
import { TiledMapResource } from '@excaliburjs/plugin-tiled'
// Create tiled map resource, pointing to static asset path
const tiledMap = new TiledMapResource('/assets/map.tmx')
// Create a loader and reference the map
const loader = new ex.Loader([tiledMap])
game.start(loader).then(function () {
// Access raw data
const rawMap =

Webpack Configuration

You will need to modify your webpack configuration to load Tiled JSON files using file-loader and then ensure any TileMap images are copied to the same output directory as your bundle, see this example-ts-webpack branch for an example.

Standalone Script File (JS)

In your HTML file, add a reference dist/excalibur-tiled.min.js in your page:


and then you can use it like this:

// New game
const game = new ex.Engine({ width: 500, height: 400, canvasElementId: 'game' })
// Create a new TiledMapResource loadable
const tiledMap = new ex.Plugin.Tiled.TiledMapResource('test.tmx')
// Create a loader and reference the map
const loader = new ex.Loader([tiledMap])
// Start the game (starts the loader)
game.start(loader).then(function () {
console.log('Game loaded')
// New game
const game = new ex.Engine({ width: 500, height: 400, canvasElementId: 'game' })
// Create a new TiledMapResource loadable
const tiledMap = new ex.Plugin.Tiled.TiledMapResource('test.tmx')
// Create a loader and reference the map
const loader = new ex.Loader([tiledMap])
// Start the game (starts the loader)
game.start(loader).then(function () {
console.log('Game loaded')

The dist uses a UMD build and will attach itself to the ex.Plugin.Tiled global if running in the browser standalone.